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  • 27 Steps


Therapeutic Massage Stretching Partnered Series 2 In this course we will learn healing techniques that promote circulation, increase flexibility, and decrease stress. We encourage you to bring a yoga mat and a friend, fellow therapist or someone you love to participate with you. You will learn table free massage, stretching and breathing techniques to strengthen your body, focus your awareness and discover new flexibility, while honoring the loving kindness this therapy brings. These classes will be hosted via zoom and recordings and manual will always be available for those who miss a session or want to go back and review. Class will be held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day with 1 hour lunch breaks. This course includes: In depth study of the traditions of Thai massage, Complementary attendance to any workshops (retreats not included), unlimited practice with Temperance Stone (virtual and in person classes included) while enrolled. DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS: Certification Requirements include: Completion of all reading and written assignments, Consistent personal meditation/breathwork practice for the duration of enrollment, live attendance and participation during class hosted live via zoom, Submission of 1 video demonstrating understanding of the applications.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




© 2022 Solace Therapeutic Touch LLC.

all rights reserved- Temperance Stone

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